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Life Insurance

A Life Insurance Policy is the precious Gift given by the Bread Winner to One’s family. It is a contract which compensates financial Losses suffered by the family as a result of Death, Disability & Disease. The Family is ensured to continue the same Standard of Living as envisioned by the Bread Winner. The Pure Risk policies are called Protection/ Term Policies while Insurance coupled with Investments are called the Popular Endowment/ Money Back policies. We have tie ups with all Leading Life Insurance players in the Indian Insurance market.

General Insurance

Under General Insurance we are authorized to sell products of Accident, Health, Motor, Professional Indemnity covers, Fire, Public Liability & also Group insurance viz Group Personal accident policies. (GMC & GPA Policies.) Again we have tie-ups with all the Leading General Insurance companies in the market to help us get the best competitive quote to our Clients.

Health Insurance

Health Insurance is a Developing market in India with the Increasing costs of Medical Treatment in hospitals coupled with Medical Inflation costs. We sell Individual & Group Medi-claim policies with Tie ups with both General & Standalone Health Insurers

GWC INDIA INSURANCE, way to get success !